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Time for a Check-Up

At the beginning of 2024 I chose the word Presence as my focus word for the year. I selected this particular word because, if I’m not mindful, I allow work and responsibilities to consume the best of my time and energy.  My desire is to be more intentional with my days.  The artist in me longs to seek  deeper intimacy in God’s presence,  spending my leisure time connecting with God through nature, music,  writing, and art.

So here we are in mid May.  A quarter of the year has passed and it’s time for a check up. 

A few close friends who know me well have expressed their concerns. They say I look tired. They kindly ask, “Are you getting enough rest? Are you taking time for yourself?”

I remember the original intention of my focus word, and realize the necessity to ask myself a difficult question.

Am I allowing myself to experience fullness of joy in His Presence?

The Inspiration

Psalm 16:11 served as the inspiration for my focus word and process art for 2024.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ESV

Truly, these are beautiful words that bring to mind walking down the path of life holding Jesus’ hand, completely and fully enjoying His presence, both here on earth and forever with Him in heaven. 

For me, alone time with God dabbling in creative pursuits is the place where the ordinary turns into the sacred, and I experience His presence.

It is in the middle of painting flowers, creating mosaics out of broken glass, writing stories, pressing wildflowers between books, capturing photos, planting seeds, or playing guitar, where God meets me and we have the most intimate conversations.

The Invitation

My self check -up revealed the need for more uninterrupted moments with my Creator, enjoying His Presence and connecting with Him through activities that refresh my soul.

Honestly, I have allowed other assignments to take over and steal my time.

My neglecting to nurture and care for myself is evident even to my friends.

It is time to make some changes and reprioritize my time. The remainder of 2024 stretches out before me and the word, Presence, beckons.

God invites me to come closer, stay longer.

Walk unhurried. Sit with Him and listen.

He gently reminds me to reclaim hours in my day so I can live my best life in this world while I wait for the pleasures of heaven.

My Wellness Plan

My first plan of action is to continue treasuring and safeguarding my morning times with God and His Word.

My second action plan is to say “yes” to only those things God has assigned to me.

I am in the process of saying “no” to other good things, knowing that God is preparing someone else to step up and say "yes."

I am choosing to pursue activities that rejuvenate my soul with God.

In my yearning to experience God’s presence more fully in my day-to-day life I am discovering that I no longer need to hide the artist in me.

Creative work is also valid work that is worthy of my time.

I am finding courage to call myself an artist.

Take a Moment to Reconnect

How about you? Is it time for a check-up? Are you setting the LORD always before you and allowing yourself to enjoy His Presence?

Setting aside daily time to read the Bible and pray is the essential first step to experiencing a growing relationship with God.

God loves you, pursues you, and longs to spend time with you.

He made each of us different. Your soul refreshing activities will not be the same as mine. Be honest with yourself and embrace your uniqueness.

Take a moment today to reflect on the activities that energize and renew your spirit and invite God to join in your leisure time.

Those who are on pilgrimage with Jesus will experience full joy and see His glory.

And so I walk in the LORD’s presence as I live here on earth! Psalm 116:9