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I was in the middle of an important online meeting with my coworkers from BrillaLife Costa Rica.  I intend for my meetings to be purposeful, so when I heard the knocking on the metal door of the house resonating into my devise’s microphone, I was somehow outraged.  Since my meeting was a priority, I took my devise with me to the door, planning to wave off whatever, or whoever was INTERRUPTING so that I could continue my important meeting. 
I wish I could forward you the picture trapped in my mind of what I saw when I opened the door.  A man in his 30’s stood before me; homeless, hungry, pitiful… To my surprise, he was not begging for anything.  Very tenaciously, he offered to wash the BrillaLife van parked outside our home.  When I rejected the offer, he said “I need work. I can do anything you ask me to do”.
Isn't it interesting how God reminds you of His Word over and over?  Just the day before I was reminded of a man named Jairus.  The gospels refer to him as someone important in the synagogue.  He must have been desperate, for his 12-year-old daughter was dying.  What would you do if your child were dying?

Anything to Save Him…

My wife and I lived that experience over 30 years ago.  Our three-month-old baby was dying.  I remember my desperation. I was willing to do anything possible to save his life.  My anger against God turned into pleading with Him for my baby’s life. In times of desperation, the anxious feeling inside grows as the seconds pass, knowing that one second could make all the difference.
Jesus knew what Jairus was going through but… He was INTERRUPTED.  A woman had touched the hem of his cloak…

Stop right there for a minute… place yourself in Jairus’ sandals…

Jesus…. Don’t you know time is of essence here! My daughter is dying! And you… you’re looking for a person who touched you?”

Just at that moment, while sweet Jesus was conversing with the guilty one, someone came and said… “too late… your daughter didn’t make it!”

My imagination can’t help but think of Jairus’ mind at that point.  He probably was ready to say, “Jesus!  Why did you stop to chat with people?  Now it’s your fault that…”

…but before Jairus could speak his mind, Jesus looked straight into his eyes and said, “She will be healed. Don’t be afraid, only have faith”.

Interruptions lead to opportunities…

I know our enemy is constantly interrupting our lives with many things.  But all things go through the sovereignty of the Almighty God, who makes all things work out for the best for us. An interruption becomes an opportunity to know God’s greater power. And in the process, He increases our faith. 
The man outside our door was presented with an opportunity to know God.  He received a bag full of groceries with the gospel message.   His face was shining as he thanked me twice.  He offered again to pay “my kindness” by washing the van. I told him God loved him, and He wanted to bless him.

Jesus not only healed the woman who touched the hem of his cloak.  He healed Jairus' little girl.  He also healed my baby boy from bacterial meningitis. He healed the man outside my door… and through all that and more, He also heals my lack of faith.  He is the excellent Healer… Jehovah Rapha – God heals.