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She Didn’t Give Up

She is faithful.

Every single Tuesday and Thursday, she arrives at the ministry center early.

She waits for us on the sidewalk by the front door, guitar in hand, her bright eyes smiling above her face mask.

Not once has she missed a class or arrived late. 

8-year-old Natalie is completing her second cycle of guitar lessons with Ben. All of us are inspired by her tenacious determination to learn to play the guitar. She dreams of being part of the small worship team at her church.

We see her struggle. She is faithful to practice and quick to learn, but her instrument is simply not useable. 

Yes, it is shaped like a guitar and has strings, but the body is slightly bowed and the sound always plays distorted.

I would’ve already given up.

Honestly, if you or I were in her place, we would have already given up.

We see her commitment and discipline in learning to play, yet never improving due to her broken-down, unserviceable instrument. 

This week you did something phenomenal for Natalie. 

Look what you did!

On Tuesday, you presented her with a new guitar. One that not only plays well, but looks pretty too! And, you provided a matching blue guitar case to protect her instrument as she travels to and from class on the city bus!

You are amazing!

Thank you for investing in another young life!

Thank you for your commitment to God’s kingdom!