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Her story is not over yet…

Less than an hour’s drive from where I live in central Mexico, there is a little girl who dreams of playing soccer. I watched her covertly from a distance on a sunny afternoon as she and her boy cousin scrambled after a tattered soccer ball in the middle of a dusty road. Very few cars pass that way, so for a few long moments, the gray, chalky road was converted into a makeshift soccer field. 

She was wearing boots and a floral dress with a ruffled skirt, yet still managed to hold her own against the other player. As the dust settled, I walked closer to observe their impromptu street game. I inwardly cheered this young girl as she aggressively pursued the ball; her long braid flapping against her back, and a dimpled smile lighting up her face as she ran.

When the ball rolled underneath a parked van, my husband and I walked closer to where the two children were playing. He asked her if she’d like to play on a team some day. She immediately said she couldn’t; her dad would not allow her to play. When we asked if she’d like for us to talk with her dad about it, she insisted that we not say anything to him. She and her cousin retrieved the ball from under the vehicle and quickly ran off to resume their game. 

A friend who lives in the village was standing nearby and had overheard our brief conversation with the young girl. She explained to us that the girls in her town are prohibited from playing sports. Girls are not allowed to wear shorts, or pants. They are only permitted to wear dresses. The average time students are enrolled in school is four years. Only in recent years have women been allowed to work outside the home. No wonder the little girl soccer player stole a few minutes of play while her dad was at work!

When I come face to face with the disparity that girls and women around the world still experience today, it prompts me to do more. I felt compelled to share her story and invite you to be a part of the solution.  

You are part of the solution

My husband and I are missionaries serving in Mexico. We call our ministry BrillaLife. In Spanish, the word ‘brilla’ means ‘shine' and our life purpose is to shine the light of the gospel in a spiritually dark world. 

The vision of BrillaLife Ministry is to Empower Children, Transform Lives, and Generate a New Legacy.

Children are empowered when they are provided educational enrichment opportunities like the ones that Brilla Adventure Camps offer. Science, literacy skills, music, art, and sports are avenues that enable children to learn new skills and prosper.

Lives are transformed when children and their families are introduced to Bible stories, place their faith in Jesus Christ, and are gathered into a local church. BrillaLIfe Ministry purposefully intertwines the gospel in every aspect of ministry. 

As the Holy Spirit transforms individuals, one life at a time, a New Legacy is formed. Todays generation of Christ followers will impact their world and the generations that follow. Young boys and girls who are coming to Christ today, will be mothers and fathers who will teach their children and grandchildren to follow Jesus.

You are part of the story

You are an important part of this story. You are an essential part of our team to fulfill the vision of BrillaLife Ministry.  Your life opportunities, skills, resources, abilities, and wealth can help change the course of a young life. Consider how you can invest in spreading the gospel in Mexico. Make a donation today and help us promote educational opportunities in rural Mexican communities, making an eternal impact in young lives. 

The story is not over yet.