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Defying Gravity

In the mornings as I wake up, I ask God to take me by the hand and lead me through the day. I literally visualize putting my hand in His before stepping into my day. Today, He prompts me to stay in bed a few minutes longer. As soft blue light filters through the curtains, I snuggle close to my husband. My arms wrap around him, our bodies curled like spoons. I hold him and silently pray for strength and wisdom for this man who carries much responsibility. God lift his load. Lighten his burden today. 

A Day Filled with Obstacles

Yesterday, ordinary Tuesday, was a day filled with tiny obstacles that threatened to derail us. We worked on lesson plans in the morning while keeping in constant touch with our family in Texas. Ben’s 94 year old dad went into the hospital for some tests, and suddenly the family is confronted with many hard decisions. Together we listen to voice messages as the siblings mention  phrases that include “feeding tubes”and “quality of life” and we are left rattled and feeling every mile of the 851 miles that separates San Miguel de Allende from Houston. 

We eat a quick sandwich for lunch and pack the car with supplies for our afternoon classes: guitar, LEGO model, copies for English class, and props for story time. We decide to leave early and stop at the grocery store on the way. The car refuses to start. The clicking sound is the sound of a dead battery.

Plan B

We opt for plan B: Move all the gear into the Brilla van, stop at Auto Zone to look for the connector that the Mazda battery needs, make a quick grocery run, put perishables in the refrigerator at the clinic, and be ready to receive the children for classes. 

Auto Zone doesn’t have the small part we need. When Ben climbs back into the van he notices that the front tire on the drivers side is low. We make it to the gas station to put air in the tire, hoping it will hold until we can find a tire repair shop. Traffic is extremely backed up due to major construction. We forego the idea of the buying groceries and head straight to the ministry center instead. As I hop out of the van, I notice the hubcap on one of the back tires is popped off, barely hanging on with a plastic zip tie.

Suddenly, we both see the humor in all of this and share a laugh out loud.

We determine to keep our eyes open for something good to show up on this discouraging day. 

Something Good Shows Up

In today's LEGO lesson the students build a downhill ski slope model. They answer questions about gravity and momentum, make predictions, and slide skiers down the ramp at different angles, calculating and recording their findings in their science notebooks. It’s a fun class and all the students are fully engaged.

To wrap it up, Ben reminds them that one day we will defy gravity. He references 1 Thessalonians 4:17 : Then we who are still alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

A boy named Angel is intrigued. What?? How can that be?? And just like that, God opens up yet another opportunity to share the gospel.