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Children on a Journey

In mid-December we set out on a prayer walk in the neighborhood that surrounds the ministry center.

Walking up and down the cobblestone streets, one block at a time, we prayed for the Holy Spirit to bless the families that live in the community. With each step, we offered up prayers of blessing for each home we passed, praying for salvation for the families who live inside. We prayed against anyone or anything that would cause harm or bring evil to the community; welcoming God’s Spirit to transform lives.

That particular December afternoon, we rounded a corner and decided to walk through a small park. At the time, we thought it was our decision to take that route, but in hindsight, we recognize the Holy Spirit was leading our way. Our paths were about to cross with a family in need of a miracle.

We encountered a young girl with an eye patch sitting on a park bench selling face masks. The adults with her asked if we wanted to purchase a mask to help cover the little girl's medical costs. Six year old C has cancer in her right eye. She and her mom would soon make the 5 hour bus ride to Mexico City for more tests and to begin chemotherapy. We gave a donation to help with her need, chatted a while with the adults, and ended up swapping phone numbers. Before we continued our walk, the entire group circled underneath the park tree’s shade and Ben prayed for God to heal C’s eye and increase our faith. 

A few days later, we made a stop at the grocery store and purchased food for C’s family before visiting her home for the first time.

Can I just stop the story right here and say, "Thank You!”  Because you give generously to our monthly support, we are able to pass along your gift and bless Mexican families in need. So when we took food and Christmas gifts to C’s family, Ben and I served as carriers; taking your gifts wrapped up in the love message of Christ.  

During that brief visit, we learned a little more about their circumstances and through the Argil Support Team Facebook group, we invited you to join us in praying for these specific requests:

"Pray that the cancer will not spread to her other eye. Pray for wisdom for the doctors to know the best treatment. Pray for C's family to be saved. Her mother is very open for us stay in contact and is very receptive to prayer. Pray for C's dad. He left the family when he found out the little girl was sick. Thank you for praying for a miracle."

We visited C again yesterday and we are happy to report that God is answering your prayers! The cancer has not spread to her other eye! C’s dad is helping take care of the other children while C and her mom make trips to Mexico City for treatment, often staying for a week or more at a time. The miracle is starting to unfold!

Recently, one of our supporters sent a big box of stuffed animals for us to give away. This offered Ben and I yet another opportunity to pass on one more gift to C. From the oversized box of toys, she chose a tiny beanie baby octopus and a cuddly blue Teddy bear. Today C and her mom are traveling to Mexico City, and tomorrow she will begin her second round of chemo. Her mom is not allowed to be with her during the treatment because of Covid restrictions. I can almost imagine C holding her blue bear tight in her little arms during the scary times.

Pray with us that C will remember how precious she is to Jesus; wrapped up in His loving arms, trusting and unafraid.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You. Psalm 56:3