Two Years Down, A Lifetime to Go.

I recall our New Year’s Eve celebration two years ago with our family in Texas. We clinked fancy glasses filled with sparkling apple juice at 10 p.m. so that our grandkids, ages 6, 5, 3, & 2 could head on to bed. We reasoned it was midnight somewhere in the world and this way we could welcome the New Year a little early, and get some much-needed rest for the long trip ahead. The fireworks display from the London celebration lit up the TV (thanks to YouTube), as we all counted down the final ten seconds together, kissed cheeks, sipped our juice, and welcomed 2019 with bursts of “Happy New New!” ——the little one’s version of Happy New Year!”

A New Beginning

Three days later, our family crossed the border into Mexico; myself, my husband, our teenage daughter, two dogs, and an orange tabby cat named Claire. We set out to begin a new chapter. We heard God calling us back to the mission field. We said 'yes’ to making Mexico our home.

For the past two years, we have worked to launch Brilla♡Life ministry in central Mexico. Our mission is to assist local pastors and churches in evangelistic outreach, and in planting new works.

Brilla♡Life focuses on reaching children through education, sports, and creative arts. Opportunities to serve children, naturally open up doors in communities, allowing us to build relationships with families and make a way for our team and partnering churches to share the gospel message.

Our Stories

My deep love for Mexico and her people began when I was 13 years old. That was the year I served on my first mission trip. I returned home to Greenville, Texas transformed; a teenage girl smitten with an intense love for God and an overwhelming burden to share His love with others. That summer trip was the first of many volunteer trips, summer missions, and semester missions opportunities that God allowed me to be a part of; cementing my love for the Mexican people and preparing my heart to hear and respond to God’s call.

Ben was a 16 year old teenager living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where his dad served as the pastor in the local Baptist church. A volunteer team from Abilene, Texas came to assist one summer. One of the volunteers on the mission team saw something special in Ben and generously offered to provide him a full scholarship to study in the United States. Ben accepted, and finished his high school and university studies with encouragement and financial assistance from the Henley family.

Our paths crossed the summer of 1981 when I signed up to serve as a summer missionary with the Rio Grande Valley River Ministry and Ben was called upon to serve as a translator for my team. Our lifelong friendship and service as career missionaries can be traced back to when we said 'yes' to serving on a volunteer mission team.

An Invitation

So, while Brilla♡Life serves people in Mexico and makes the name of Jesus known, we also desire to serve you. We invite you and your church to come and get your hands dirty in the church planting process. When you choose to partner with us, we commit to keeping you informed of the challenges and victories we face on the mission field. You and your church will be presented with opportunities to support God’s work in Mexico with prayer and resources. Our desire is to serve alongside your church, providing a channel for volunteer teams to come and experience first-hand the joy of serving and sharing Christ in Mexico. Together, we can accomplish more for the kingdom of God; sowing and harvesting gospel seeds, and discipling new believers. In John 15:5, Jesus plainly states that we are to bear fruit that lasts; but He clearly explains that intimacy with Him comes first. Fruitfulness flows out of a life of intimacy with God.

Ask God how He wants to use you in 2021. Will you pray about serving with us as a Brilla♡Life volunteer?

Could this be the year that a life in your family or church family is changed through participating as a Brilla♡Life volunteer?


Children on a Journey


Reflecting on 2020